Networking is one of the most significant skills that you could learn in order to make your business a success story.
1. Opportunities – Networking can open up a world of opportunities you may not have been aware existed. If other people know about you they can recommend you, and through recommendations and word of mouth, you get more clients/customers. It could also open doors to opportunities you may not have considered.
2. Knowledge Sharing - People love sharing their knowledge. Networking is a wonderful way to tap into advice and knowledge that you would not otherwise be able to get hold of. You don’t know what you don’t know, and having like-minded business owners to talk to you might just discover the solution to your business problems.

3. Support – The world of business can be isolating and competitive, but it can also be very social and collaborative. Networking gives you the opportunity to share your story and find out how what issues other people have faced and overcome. You don’t have to go it alone.
4. Grow Awareness and Reputation – the more people who know you and your business the better, and networking is a great way to show others who you are, as much as what you do.
Whether you are running a business or just thinking about starting one, networking is a must.
Some local Ballarat Business Networking Events:
Mature Entrepreneurs Ballarat Meetup - Networking
When – 12:30 -1:30 every Friday.
Where - Nonee & Co Market store and Café, 20A Sturt Street Ballarat.
This event is organised by Sarina Russo Entrepreneurs' Paul Miller, Entrepreneurship Facilitator for the Ballarat region. Entrepreneurship Facilitators are funded by the Australian Government
Better Business Ballarat
When - 4:00 - 6:00 pm - Third Friday of the month
Where - Hop Temple, 24-28 Armstrong St Nth, Ballarat