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What’s happening at Platypus – re COVID-19

Updated: Aug 6, 2020

Thursday 6th August

With the re-introduction of stage 3 restrictions to regional Victoria. We are still open for those requiring to work but are unable to from home, either for a day or longer.

All earlier protocols still in place plus wearing masks.

Please email ( or call us (0421 140 854) if you have any questions.

Thursday 21 May

We are reopening to the public from Monday 25th May

As we reopen, we will:

- Perform TWICE daily cleanings of common areas and shared surfaces

- Limit the number of people in any given area or room

- Provide hand sanitizing stations and disinfecting supplies

- Talk to you to get feedback about how you want to work.

Here's what we ask of you: - As you arrive at Platypus wash you hands in the kitchen before proceeding further into the building.

- Please limit any meetings or guest visits to only those that are absolutely necessary. If a meeting can be done over the phone or via video conferencing, we encourage you to use those avenues.

- While meeting with guests, please feel free to use the conference rooms, kitchen, or coworking areas and maintain a distance of 1.5m between everyone.

- Clean your shared desk and surfaces before and after you use them

- Stay home if you feel sick and encourage your guests to do the same

- Communicate with us. This isn't forever, but it's the new normal for the foreseeable future. We want to know how YOU want to work and we realise that some adjustments may need to be made as time goes on. Please feel free to email or talk to Sam to let her know how we can help you feel safe and comfortable moving forward.

Thursday 23rd April

Platypus can now do virtual tours via zoom, book in via meeting room link under shop or email me at

We are open for you to come in and work, with every 2nd desks closed in dedicated desk area, please talk to us about your requirements.

Tuesday 31st March

We have scheduled twice weekly "Check in & Chat" for anyone to attend and see different faces.

Tuesday @ 10.30am and Thursday @ 2.30pm via zoom

Meeting ID: 298 584 4483

Wednesday 25th March

Platypus has organising regular virtual catch ups with the first one to happen tomorrow (Thursday 26th March) at 2.30pm. This is open to anyone, if you would like the details to attend please email

More details for future virtual events will come in the next couple of days.

Monday 23rd March

On Monday 23rd March we made the decision to close the doors to the public from Tuesday 24th March at 9am. Everyone with 24/7 access (Dedicated Desk and Private Offices) can come and go as they require. We have enough space to allow people to be spaced out as required. I (Samantha Davies, Founder) moved to working from home so the site is unsupervised, although daily cleaning is still taking place.

On the website we are temporarily not taking bookings for tours or the conference room and day passes cannot be purchased.

If you are an essential service and require access to Platypus Coworking, we have the space and NBN internet ready for you to stay working. Please call me on 0421 140 854 or email

This page will be update as more information becomes available



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